Geboren 1991 in Sichuan, China
Klasse für Bildhauerei
Prof. Michael Stevenson
This kinda mining is not like mining; This kinda fishing is not like fishing; This kinda living is not like living.
From the singular viewpoint of a worker in a bitcoin-mine outwards, into the contemporary ecological, economic, and cultural way of life on the Dadu River, Sichuan, China. Cryptocurrency intrudes into life on the river, competing for electricity from the grid, young labourers during the rainy season, and disrupting endangered fish species. An overcapacity of hydropower production, a.k.a. stranded generation, brings the highest density of bitcoin mining to the region and, alongside, people without direction: drifting. The circumstance of a seasonal economy is charged with temporary value, leaving the stranded generations, both kW/h and young people's lives chronically stranded.
"This kinda..." HD Video 11’14’’, Art-Exam Tables, Speakers, Eables
Geboren 1991 in Sichuan, China
Klasse für Bildhauerei
Prof. Michael Stevenson
This kinda mining is not like mining; This kinda fishing is not like fishing; This kinda living is not like living.
From the singular viewpoint of a worker in a bitcoin-mine outwards, into the contemporary ecological, economic, and cultural way of life on the Dadu River, Sichuan, China. Cryptocurrency intrudes into life on the river, competing for electricity from the grid, young labourers during the rainy season, and disrupting endangered fish species. An overcapacity of hydropower production, a.k.a. stranded generation, brings the highest density of bitcoin mining to the region and, alongside, people without direction: drifting. The circumstance of a seasonal economy is charged with temporary value, leaving the stranded generations, both kW/h and young people's lives chronically stranded.
"This kinda..." HD Video 11’14’’, Art-Exam Tables, Speakers, Eables